Nurturing the growth of young disciples grades 6th - 12th.

Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Our Student Ministry is made up of students grade 6th through 12th. We seek to nurture the growth of young disciples in our church and our community. The core of the Youth Ministry is built around our weekly Sunday School, Wednesday night "Prime Time" Bible Studies, and a never ending stream of special events. We also place a very high emphasis on student leadership.

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Free Meals Campaign

Each year we ask families of the church to donate money towards our Sunday & Wednesday meals. This is a lot easier than asking parents to sign up to bring breakfasts and dinners and it is cheaper as well.

If 36 of our youth's families donate $150 then we will have enough money to pay for ALL of our meals for the entire school year. Give the full amount or give part of the amount monthly or in whatever way you would like. Some choose to give $50 per month for 3 months or $25 a month for six months. Any amount is helpful. We currently need donations for our kickoff to fall!

To give, you can click the link below or simply write a check, write "Free Meals Campaign" or "Youth Meals" in the memo line and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday or send it with your child on Wednesday night.

2025 Summer Mission Trips

Middle School Mission Week

June 2nd - 6th at Camp Lookout

Open to middle school students only, this mission week at Camp Lookout is a chance to serve the local community while enjoying fun and fellowship in the great outdoors. Students will engage in service projects, team-building activities, and daily devotionals to grow in faith together.

More information to come!
Cost: $350
Parent Meeting: March 23rd after 10:45am worship service in the pit

St. Louis Mission Week

June 29th - July 4th in St. Louis, MO

Open to all students, this mission trip is hosted through Be The Neighbor, a ministry dedicated to meaningful service and social justice. Participants will work with local organizations in St. Louis, MO.

More information to come!
Cost: $410
Parent Meeting: March 2nd after 10:45am worship service in the pit

High School Mission Week

July 12th - 19th in Xela, Guatemala

Open to high school students only, this international mission trip is hosted through ACD. Students will travel to Guatemala to serve alongside local leaders, engage in cultural experiences, and witness God’s work in a global setting.

More information to come!
Cost: $1,500 (Fundraising Included)
Parent Meeting: February 23rd after 10:45am worship service in the pit

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Mornings

 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Breakfast: 9:30 - 10 a.m. in The Youth Dining Room.
Lesson: 10 - 10:30 a.m.

  • 8th Grade/Confirmation – Meets in the Youth Lounge (a.k.a. - "The Pit")
  • 6th-12th Grade – Room 134 

Sunday Nights

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

in The Student Center

Wednesday Night Prime Time

4:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  • 4:45 p.m. - Study/Volunteer Time (Starting at 4:45 p.m. Tori will be in the student center ready to welcome youth who need to arrive early. This will be a time for students to work on homework, hang out, and help make sandwiches for the Mustard Tree Ministry. Actual youth events will begin at 5:45 p.m.)
  • 5:45 p.m. – Snack Supper 
  • 6:30 p.m. – Youth Bible Study and Games
  • 7:30 p.m - Free Time


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Meet The Team

Tori Crook


Kirsten Shipp

Assistant Director

Tori Crook


Tori Crook is originally from Raleigh, North Carolina, where her family still lives. She graduated from U.N.C. Greensboro in 2018 with a B.A. in International and Global Studies, and from Yale Divinity School with a master's in Divinity in 2022. In her free time she enjoys knitting, hikes, and finding the best food in town.

Kirsten Shipp

Assistant Director