Upcoming Trips

Middle School Mission Week
June 2nd - 6th at Camp Lookout
Open to middle school students only, this mission week at Camp Lookout is a chance to serve the local community while enjoying fun and fellowship in the great outdoors. Students will engage in service projects, team-building activities, and daily devotionals to grow in faith together.
Parent Meeting: March 23rd after 10:45am worship service in the pit

St. Louis Mission Week
June 29th - July 4th in St. Louis, MO
Open to all students, this mission trip is hosted through Be The Neighbor, a ministry dedicated to meaningful service and social justice. Participants will work with local organizations in St. Louis, MO.
Parent Meeting: March 2nd after 10:45am worship service in the pit

High School Mission Week
July 12th - 19th in Xela, Guatemala
Open to high school students only, this international mission trip is hosted through ACD. Students will travel to Guatemala to serve alongside local leaders, engage in cultural experiences, and witness God’s work in a global setting.
Parent Meeting: February 23rd after 10:45am worship service in the pit
Other Ways To Get Involved
Guatemala Mission Partners
We have partnered with Association for Creativity & Development of Guatemala (ACD). ACD Guatemala is a non-profit and faith-based organization operating in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Their mission is to serve children and families that are exposed to vulnerable conditions, violence, and irregular migration in rural Guatemala. Our headquarters is located in Quetzaltenango. We focus on education, development, medical and spiritual care, helping children and teens to engage life purposes, healthy relationships, and participation to experience community growth.

At First-Centenary we believe that it is important to serve our community. We operate two outreach ministries
(The Centenary & Mustard Tree) and support several Chattanooga area ministries.
(The Centenary & Mustard Tree) and support several Chattanooga area ministries.
Our Outreach Ministries
Ministries we support
Family Promise, JA Henry YMCA, Beyond the Bars Prison Ministry, Chattanooga Area Food Bank, Volunteers in Medicine, Chattanooga Room in the Inn, Bethlehem Center
Costa Rica
We support two United Methodist Missionaries in Costa Rica named Ray & Lidia Zirkel. We have been sending teams Costa Rica to help the Zirkels build a Children's Home (Hogar Metodista) in Coronado, just out of San Jose, for many years now. We have several members dedicated to this project and they are always looking for more folks to join them. We also sent a team to Puerto Viejo to help build an addition onto a church.
Click here to follow Hogar Metodista on Facebook

First-Centenary United Methodist Church is partnering with four pastors and six churches in different cities and villages in Romania. This partnership consists of financial support and regular visits between our pastors and laity and the Romanian pastors and laity. Sometimes we send teams there and sometimes we bring their pastors here. Our Romanian pastors have infectious hearts for Jesus and they are doing AMAZING work all over Romania.
We are so excited to share with the congregation the things that are happening in Romania!
We are so excited to share with the congregation the things that are happening in Romania!
Contact Pastor Barry for more information
We support Rev. Harry Howe who is a Board of Global Ministries missionary serving as a Church and Community worker in Marion, VA as the Executive Director of Project Crossroads. Project Crossroads is an outreach ministry designed to address the basic needs of people in that area, alleviate human suffering, and provide an avenue to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rev. Howe works with agencies, churches and local organizations in a 7 county area to identify and assist with housing needs for the elderly, handicapped and low income families.