Realm Online Directory
We are looking forward to making a long-awaited electronic church directory available to our congregation! Everyone we have an email address for will receive invites and will need to log in and set their privacy to one of the following options:
If people log in and do not change their privacy setting, it will default to the "leaders" level which includes staff members with administrative clearance and anyone designated in Realm as a leader. We want to note that changing your personal information will change the information the church has for you, which gives you the ability to update your current information. It also means if you delete it, it will affect our ability to continue sending things like the newsletter, financial statements, etc.
Please watch for an email from “First Centenary United Methodist Church notifications@onrealmmail.org” so that you can be a part of our online directory. We will have staff available on Sunday mornings, February 11th and 18th, to help anyone having difficulties doing this on your own. You can also call the church at 423-756-2021 and tell us you want to be part of the directory and we can select your preferences for you. Thank you for your participation!
- Anyone in the church (anyone else who is invited and logs in to our Realm directory)
- Leaders & group team members (anyone designated as a leader as well as members of groups you are a part of once they are added to Realm)
- Leaders (anyone designated as a leader or teacher in the church)
- Users with permission only (staff members with administrative clearance, which is who currently has access to the information you've shared with the church)
If people log in and do not change their privacy setting, it will default to the "leaders" level which includes staff members with administrative clearance and anyone designated in Realm as a leader. We want to note that changing your personal information will change the information the church has for you, which gives you the ability to update your current information. It also means if you delete it, it will affect our ability to continue sending things like the newsletter, financial statements, etc.
Please watch for an email from “First Centenary United Methodist Church notifications@onrealmmail.org” so that you can be a part of our online directory. We will have staff available on Sunday mornings, February 11th and 18th, to help anyone having difficulties doing this on your own. You can also call the church at 423-756-2021 and tell us you want to be part of the directory and we can select your preferences for you. Thank you for your participation!