Nursery | 3 Year Olds - Pre-K | Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Professional staff give infants, toddlers and 2 year olds lots of love and attention during each of our worship services and the Sunday school hour. We follow a strict protocol for diaper changing, hand washing, and care giving. Please come to the Children's Welcome Hallway and sign your child into our electronic check in safety system for a secure drop off.
Contact the Children's Director, Beth Spears, at to get connected

3 Year Olds - Pre-K
Children 3 years old through Pre-K participate in an environment with consistent, loving small group leaders. The children begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. in their Sunday School Classroom for a short period of time with their small group leader. This is a time for the children to get comfortable and are introduced to their Bible lesson for the day. At 9:45 a.m., the children are led to the Preschool Large Group Space (Room 248 in the Nursery Hallway) for music and an exciting presentation of their Bible Story. The Sunday School hour ends back in their Sunday School Room with activities that help emphasize the Biblical concept learned and "Make It Stick". By the time children leave for Kindergarten, we want our children to know:
Please come to the Children's Welcome Hallway and sign your child into our electronic check in safety system for a secure drop off.
- God Made Me
- God Loves Me
- Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever
Please come to the Children's Welcome Hallway and sign your child into our electronic check in safety system for a secure drop off.
Contact the Children's Director, Beth Spears, at to get connected

Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Children in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade participate in a small group environment with consistent adult small group leaders to help them grow into a deeper relationship with God. The curriculum focuses on 12 Virtues (Qualities) of God through approximately 50 Bible Stories. We want every child to know by the time they leave fifth grade:
Please come to the Children's Welcome Hallway and sign your child into our electronic check in safety system for a secure drop off.
- I need to make the wise choice.
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Please come to the Children's Welcome Hallway and sign your child into our electronic check in safety system for a secure drop off.
Contact The Children's Director, Beth Spears, at to get connected

6th - 12th grade
Every Sunday from 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
Classes begin at 9:45 a.m.
- 8th Grade/Confirmation – The Pit (February - May)
- 6th - 8th Grade - Meet in the Pit
- 9th - 12th Grade - Meet in the High School Room (Room 134)

18 and older
Open Door
Room 443
A discussion-based class made up of adults of all ages. Participants are both male and female, married and single. Topics for discussion include Bible, theology and contemporary writings.
Contact Patsi Walker at to get connected.
Contact Patsi Walker at to get connected.
The Renee Hudson Bible Study Class
Room 442
This class explores and discusses a variety of passages from the Old and New Testaments each Sunday. By presenting its historical and cultural backgrounds, we have a better understanding of its meaning, purpose and relevance for us today. Our class is open to all ages whether single or couples.
Contact David Hudson at to get connected.
Contact David Hudson at to get connected.
Common Ground
Room 125
Adults in their 30s and 40s, most with young children, enjoy Bible study and great fellowship.
Contact Emily Laymon at to get connected.
Contact Emily Laymon at to get connected.
Ephesians 3:18
The Parlor
Ephesians 3:18 is a group of mostly millennials that combine study, discussion, and fellowship. We use a variety of study materials including podcasts, books, and the Bible to grow in our faith. We often take an academic approach to studying but make sure to leave room for spontaneity. Can’t make it to Sunday school? Join us after church for lunch or other fellowship during the week!
This class starts at 9:45 a.m. and welcomes all in the LGBT+ community.
Contact Sarah Whitney Anderson at to get connected.
This class starts at 9:45 a.m. and welcomes all in the LGBT+ community.
Contact Sarah Whitney Anderson at to get connected.
Haven Reconciling Class
Room 343
Demonstrates God’s love by preparing a place at God's table for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Creates a community of spiritual growth that celebrates the divine worth of all people. Serves as change agents and allies to promote greater understanding and acceptance in the church and community through active outreach and fellowship. By opening our hearts, minds and doors, we invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding and mutual respect. Class is discussion based using video or book studies. We are currently meeting in person and via Zoom.
For more information on what it means to be a reconciling group, click here.
Contact Jessica Johns at to get connected.
For more information on what it means to be a reconciling group, click here.
Contact Jessica Johns at to get connected.
Johnston-Hardin Class
Room 344
In the Johnston-Hardin Class we demonstrate the warmth, openness, laughter, welcoming attitude, and wisdom of our founding member: Gin Johnston. We are a lively and diverse group. We eat, study, and pray together. Collectively, we choose books to read and discuss, alternating volunteer teachers in class with in-depth, varying opinions and debate. We enjoy one another and laugh at our exchanges. Together, we bring food, welcome new friends, study the Bible, and support and share life experiences. We endeavor to live as Jesus would live, and pray that our varied approach to study and learning will continually lead us to deeper Christian faith and understanding.
Contact Emory Fry at to get connected.
Contact Emory Fry at to get connected.
Room 342
Is comprised mostly of couples in their 50’s with children of varying ages. The class enjoys dynamic discussions relating to the challenges of authentic Christian living in today’s secular society. These discussions are facilitated by various leaders who are primarily members of the class. Class members enjoy the close fellowship and support of the group and plan occasional social get-togethers.
Contact Mitch Baldree at to get connected
Contact Mitch Baldree at to get connected
Parlor/Journey Class
Room 445
This group is made up of young couples with and without children as well as single adults. Their lessons, taught by Will Lauderback, focus on how to live as a Christian in this stage of their lives. They also have frequent social activities.
Contact Amy Cloud at to get connected.
Contact Amy Cloud at to get connected.
Room 107
The Morgan Class is primarily comprised of older adults with a variety of experiences and interests. Its lessons are biblically based but life oriented. Its mission is to be a caring, sharing, redemptive fellowship reaching out to others in the name of Christ. Fellowship is expressed through Shepherding groups, supper clubs, and class socials. This class supports many outreach projects.
Contact Charlie Pierce at to get connected.
Contact Charlie Pierce at to get connected.
New Horizons
Room 341
Class members are challenged by the books they read for discussion. There is no need to ask “what is the age of class members?” This group truly spans the ages. New members and new ideas are always welcomed.
Contact Susan Byrd at to get connected.
Contact Susan Byrd at to get connected.
Nell Mohney Singles
Oak Street Center Room 101/102
Have you ever wanted to know what the Bible says and how it applies to your life, today? Join with us--singles and couples, many retired, to enjoy refreshments, fellowship and singing. Then participate in the Bible lesson as Dr. Tom Nite leads us through books of the Bible to help us discover the meaning and application of each text.
Contact Gail at or Tom at to get connected.
Contact Gail at or Tom at to get connected.
New Perspectives
Room 345
New Perspectives is a class for adult singles. Lessons are on various faith topics and study books led by Barbara Kay and guest teachers with stimulating discussion and participation among members. The class takes part in social and volunteer activities, sponsors church-related charities, and facilitates strong fellowship among members.
Contact Susan Byrd at to get connected.
Contact Susan Byrd at to get connected.
Pairs & Spares
Room 123
This class is a group of mid 50’s and up adults engaged in study and fellowship. Various topics are discussed. A vital facet of the class is outreach for support of various families or projects.
Contact Debbie Donohue at to get connected.
Contact Debbie Donohue at to get connected.
Prigmore Room
This class is predominately "baby boomers" with a mix of singles and couples. Discussion is led by Ed Nanney. The biblically based study includes Christian concepts and issues relevant to this age group. The class is involved in community outreach projects.
Contact Beth Peacock at to get connected.
Contact Beth Peacock at to get connected.