United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice.
Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
United Women in Faith and The United Methodist Church's principles and values include:
Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world.
United Women in Faith and The United Methodist Church's principles and values include:
- Promoting the empowerment of women, children and youth.
- Promoting anti-racism and multiculturalism.
- Promoting inclusion and equity.
- Promoting fair labor practices.
- Promoting economic and environmental stewardship and sustainability.
Click here to contact Donna Palmer and connect with United Women in Faith at First-Centenary
Click here to visit uwfaith.org
United Women in Faith Sunday
February 9th During All Worship Services
Join us on February 9th as we celebrate United Women in Faith and their mission to women, children and youth in all worship services. Communion will be served in all morning services, and the offering will go to UWF missions such as The Bethlehem Center, Mustard Tree, and Red Bird Mission. The Susannah Wesley Circle will provide and serve the meal for the Mustard Tree Service.
Join A Small Group
Women Like You Change The World
Put your talents, energy and ideas to work. You’ll find flexible opportunities for spiritual growth and ways to act for social justice, support your community, live your faith and enrich your life right here at First-Centenary United Women in Faith in our small groups/Circles.
Building Bridges Soul Care Retreat
September 28th
On September 28th, approximately 40 women came together from several local churches to share in fellowship and nurture their minds, bodies, and spirits. Speaker Betsy Hall led us on a deep dive into the rich text of Ruth 1-2. She challenged us to reflect on who the Naomis and Ruths are in our own lives and we discussed what it means for us as Christians to build bridges in our own community. We also played games, heard from local small businesses and non-profits, and learned the art of quilling. It was a joyous day!
Thanks to the Soul Care leadership team, led by Denise Bell, for making this event happen!
Thanks to the Soul Care leadership team, led by Denise Bell, for making this event happen!
Tennessee River Rescue
October 5th
Tennessee River Rescue volunteers had lovely weather for working at the Reflection Riding area on Saturday, October 5th. Cleanup day went well! Many thanks to volunteers for putting in a hard day’s work. Special thanks to Caroline Archer for her leadership!
What is United Women in Faith?
United Women in Faith is a faith-based membership organization of any women within The United Methodist Church. We are organized for mission and our members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and building the lives of women, children and youth. United Women in Faith has been in mission for 150 years.
What is the vision?
United Women in Faith is turning faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children, and youth in the world.
Who is a member?
Any woman who wants to belong to and participate in the global mission of the church through United Women in Faith and who commits herself to the purpose can become a member of United Women in Faith.
What is the purpose?
The organized unit of United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Your 2024 Leadership Team is listed below. Please support and pray for them as they lead in the coming year.
- President: Donna Palmer
- Past President: Martha Payne
- Secretary: Pat Strange
- Treasurer: Sally Richardson
- Nominations Committee Chair: Cheryl Powell
- Nominations Committee: Jessica Johns, Jeannie Robinson
- Local Church Responsibility: Dianne Lizarraga
Mission Coordinators:
- Membership, Nuture, and Outreach: Denise Bell, Deborah Seke, Page Houseman
- Social Action: Caroline Archer