Put your talents, energy and ideas to work. You’ll find flexible opportunities for spiritual growth and ways to act for social justice, support your community, live your faith and enrich your life right here at First-Centenary United Women in Faith in our small groups/circles.
Current United Women in Faith Groups
Book Club
CALEB (Chattanoogans in Action for Love Equality and Benevolence)
This is a group of interdenominational women who meet to discuss books on religious topics/Bible study with authors ranging from some of faith's most liberal writers to more traditional theologians. They meet 8 weeks in the fall and 8 weeks after Christmas.
Our UWF unit is a member of this community organization. CALEB has 3 areas on which members focus: Criminal Justice Reform, Economic Mobility, and Education Reform. General meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Each task force has a schedule for working meetings.
Chris Bowles Circle
Creation Care Circle
This Circle meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the Morgan Classroom. Chris Bowles invested her life’s energies in her relationship with Christ and in her devotion to discipling others. Our circle bears her name to honor her memory and to be our reminder of her beautiful witness as we seek to deepen our Christian discipleship and to emulate her Christian servanthood through study and service.
The Creation Care Circle focuses on ways we can bring God's dream of right relationship between people and creation to reality in our community. We spend our meetings planning actions and studying scripture, as we believe both are vital in helping us to grow together. The Creation Care Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. usually in the Prigmore Room.
Susannah Wesley Circle
The Susannah Wesley Circle meets in the homes of members, with programs and discussion of various topics. Members share food and fellowship at 6:30 on the 4th Monday of each month.
Potential United Women in Faith Groups
A. This group would access media from United Women in Faith (uwfaith.org) to deepen faith, and hear from leaders and missions around the U.S. and the world. Meeting schedule TBD.
- Faith Talks- Downloadable podcast suitable for discussion groups
- Response- Downloadable podcasts from Response magazine, suitable for discussion starters
- Voice from the field- Webinars, accessible for viewing after the event, suitable for discussion groups.
For each of the bullet point groups above you can sample at Podcasts | United Women in Faith (uwfaith.org)
- Church & Society- Webinars, usually with a panel, who discuss various topics.
B. This group would have access to Amplify Media through First-Centenary’s subscription. There are hundreds of choices, usually with video/leader’s guidebook for each choice.
- To preview go to Topics | Amplify Media