Wednesday Night 

Meal at 5:30 p.m. | Classes at 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Children’s Program starts at 6:15 p.m.
Youth Program starts at 6:30 p.m.


August 14th - October 23rd

Dive deeper into your faith on Wednesday nights with these classes! 

"Knowing Who We Are: The Wesleyan Way of Grace" by Laceye Warner

Rev. Dr. Will Lauderback

The Vine

August 14th - September 18th (will not meet on September 4th)

This book invites you to a richer understanding of Wesleyan Christianity so you can have a clear sense of identity, better express your own beliefs, and deepen your connection with The United Methodist Church.

"The Soul of Civility"

Rev. Dr. Will Lauderback

The Vine

September 25th - October 23rd (will not meet on October 2nd)

Using the book by  Alexandra Hudson as a guide we will be asking tough questions for Christinas and the church about being a witness of civility to the broader society. "It’s easy to look at the divided state of the world and blame our leaders, the media, or our education system. Instead, we should focus on what we can control: ourselves. The Soul of Civility empowers readers to live tolerantly with others despite deep differences, and to rigorously protest wrongs and debate issues rather than silencing disagreements."

"Painting the Stars"

Rev. Michelle Hunter

The Prigmore Room

August 14th - September 18th

"When I have a terrible need of - dare I say 'religion?' - then I go outside at night and paint the stars."  Vincent Van Gogh.  
Join us to celebrate the communion of science and faith as we explore the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality.  Featuring over a dozen leading theologians and progressive thinkers, this video and conversation seven week study will prompt us to think deeply about who we are, why we are, and how to express our unique connection to the divine.

"Redeeming Sex"

Rev. Barry Kidwell

The Oak Street Center Room 101/102

August 14th - October 9th

Let’s talk sex! Does sex have the same value as it did when God created humans in the beginning. Has sex been cheapened, deified, and even demonized through the years? Can we good people differ, yet have civil discourse about sex? Come on Wednesday evenings and let’s talk sex!

"Top 10 Googled Scripture Passages of 2023 and Why"

Rev. Jason Gattis

The Conference Room

August 14th - October 23rd

"Women's Bible Study"

Amy Gattis

The Parlor

August 14th - October 23rd

"Lectures with Mike Feely"

Mike Feely

The Vine

September 4th - History of Methodism in Chattanooga
October 2nd - Methodist Missionaries to the Cherokee Nation

"Eat, Pray, Art"

Rev. Michelle Hunter

The Prigmore Room

October 9th, 16th, and 23rd


You can reserve your meal and pre-pay for it below. If you choose to not pre-pay you can pay with cash or card when you arrive on Wednesday evening. The deadline to submit a meal reservation is 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday. The order form below will not accept responses after 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday. You can fill out your meal reservation for the following week starting Thursday morning.

Please click the button below to make your meal reservation or call the church office at

Dinner Costs

Adults - $10 each (meal or salad)
Children - $5 (3 and under are free)
Family - $30


August 14th -
August 21st -
August 28th -


After reserving your meals, you can pre-pay below or pay in person, we accept cash and card.

Choose the fund Prime Time Wednesday Meals.