Children's Music starts at 6:00 p.m. and 6:15 p.m.
March 12th - May 7th
Dive deeper into your faith on Wednesday nights with these classes!
"Jesus' Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr"
Pastor Michelle Hunter
March 12th - May 7th (will not meet April 16th)
The Parlor
When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God, he was talking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it. With Jesus' most familiar sermon as its source, this book provides guidance and inspiration for those seeking to understand the heart of faith.
"God For Us"
Pastor Will Lauderback
March 12th - April 9th
Oak Street Center Room 102
Explore the meaning of Lent, its importance in spiritual formation, its significance in the preparation for Easter, and throughout the holy season of Christ's Resurrection. Leading North American spiritual writers reflect on what one theologian has called the “bright sadness” of Lent: that it is not about feeling broken and lost, but about cleansing the palate so we can taste and live life more fully. During Lent and Easter, we encounter the God who in all of life is for us—for our liberation, for our healing, for our wholeness. Even in death we can find resurrection.
"Struggle to the Cross by Bishop Sharma Lewis"
Pastor Jason Gattis
March 12th - April 9th
The Prigmore Room
Bishop Lewis invites readers to observe Lent by introspection, repentance, forgiveness, renewal, prayer, fasting and Biblical study. Each daily reading ends with the “My Action” section, inviting readers to put into practice what they have read and reflected upon. Each Sunday, readers are asked to reflect and journal on the past week’s study using questions provided by the author.