About Connect Visitation
Connect Visitation Ministry is the ministry of friendship. Our trained laity (Connectors) visits those who are unable to attend church regularly. Their visits bring gracious words of healing and hope, and are a reminder of the love of God that connects us all. Our Connectors meet on a regular basis to receive support, care, and continued training so that they are equipped for their important role. If you are interested in being a Connector or if you would like to receive visits, please contact Rev. Michelle Hunter at mhunter@firstcentenary.com.
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"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
- Proverbs 16:24
Volunteer Information
Volunteers for the Connect Visitation Ministry are compassionate individuals dedicated to offering companionship, support, and connection to those who may be isolated or in need within their community. These volunteers embody empathy and understanding as they reach out to individuals who may be experiencing difficult life circumstances that limit their ability to attend church. Through regular visits, phone calls, or virtual check-ins, they provide a listening ear, offer encouragement, and nurture a sense of belonging. Their commitment to service helps alleviate loneliness, promote mental well-being, and strengthen the social fabric of the community they serve.
Flexible Commitment
- Safe Sanctuary Training (online policy available)
- Connect Visitation Volunteer Training (online training available)
- Background Check (provided by FCUMC)
In Connect Visitation Ministry, we understand the importance of meaningful connections. We encourage Connectors to reach out to those they visit directly to arrange their visit according to mutual availability and preferences. Our goal is to create a supportive and accessible environment where relationships can flourish, enriching the lives of both parties involved.
Volunteer Covenant
- I will complete the initial training and apply the training as needed.
- I will meet the church friend(s) I serve at least once a month to the best of my ability.
- I will pray for my church friend(s) daily.
- I will participate in the periodic Connection Support Sessions and additional training events.
- I will do all I can to stay connected to Jesus, trusting that he will stay connected to me.
- I covenant to pray for First-Centenary United Methodist Church, the Connect team, and clergy and staff.
- I understand that I represent First-Centenary UMC as an important connection between the church and those who cannot attend, and will hold all things in confidence.
- I will notify Rev. Michelle Hunter of any urgent pastoral care needs.