In the next year, how will you participate in the church through your prayers, presence, witness,  gifts, and service? 

Al and Chris

Legacy of Faith

“It seemed like home even from the very first year. People were so welcoming and I had a Sunday School class that I absolutely loved.”

After Al retired from ministry as a United Methodist minister, Chris knew right where they would settle down. First-Centenary had been her church home since Al was appointed here as the Senior Pastor in the 1990’s. For over twenty-six years the Bowles have seen the impact that this congregation has made in the Chattanooga area, throughout the southeast, and across the world! The legacy of faith of the people of First-Centenary has impacted so many lives and continues to make an impact through faithful people like Al and Chris Bowles and so many more.

Tiffany and Tyner

Hopeful Living

“What gives us hope about the ministries is that if you’re really passionate about it, there’s probably a place for you somewhere here.”

They were ready to join the church before they ever set foot in the building. That is just the way things had to happen in COVID years. Tiffany and Tyner worshipped online regularly, got plugged into the Haven Reconciling Sunday School Class, and eventually became active in children’s and youth ministries. It is people like the Brooks who embody hopeful living in the here and now. I wonder how God might be calling you to live a hope-filled life at First-Centenary?

Tiffanie and Mike

Love Filled Future

“Our church shows love and passion to our community by just being available to all those who need us.”

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, Mike and Tiffanie always have their eyes forward. As parents of three boys, they know the importance of planning and care during the chaotic moments of life. As members of First-Centenary UMC they, like countless others, are helping us to live into a love-filled future as we seek to be the church that God is calling us to be today and for the generations to come.