The Way of The UMC: For The Transformation of The World (Sanctuary)

Oct 30, 2022    Rev. Dr. Will Lauderback

Our denomination and our church don’t exist to keep things at a status quo but rather to participate in the movement of God in this world. God is continuing to transform this broken world through the love of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit! How are we as individuals and as a church called to join in with this transformation? In a time when we are hyper connected technologically and more and more separated relationally and physically what does it look like to be a part of a worldwide movement of God? At a time hyper-nationalism seems to divide nations and peoples further and further apart how are we offering and embodying a counter narrative that seeks to offer hope and connection to a divided world? How might the work and movement of the Holy Spirit be calling us and empowering us to be a part of God’s transformative work in the world?